Saturday 21 February 2015


In Module 4, we were taught Design Progression in which we understood the detailed and intensive steps towards how a product is designed after thorough analysis of the chosen products.

In Module 5, we are expected to derive DESIGN SOLUTIONS after analyzing and researching in great detail a chosen target place by the group.

The main aim is to make us sensitive and observant towards our environment as designers so that we are able to identify problems and find solutions to them in a creative and innovative manner.

The groups were formed through chit system. We five, Heren Agarwal, Medha Bhatia, Divya Sachdeva, Aayushi Agarwal and Saga Vadera chose the chits with number 3, and so our group was formed.

We chose NDRS New Delhi Railway Station as our target place. We felt that the railway station will definitely need a lot of solutions to many common problems which are faced by people of all classes on a daily basis. And so, here we began with our research! 

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